

Forgot to update my life as I'm too busy lately for the upcoming project on December...I'll disclose what type of project soon in a few weeks, if everything turns out okay...

before that, I have to prepare for my upcoming trip to Vietnam...it's a semi-leisure trip..as I have a very important task to be done there which is related to the project.  I'm leaving in about 13 days..hopefully the things I need will arrive on time, I can do nothing but crossing my fingers now.  Hopefully everything will be fine, let's wish, wish wish wish.  And in the mean time I need to try hard thinking what else I will need...I really don't want to forget anything I need coz I won't be able to get them in Vietnam I guess.

Ok time to stop resting and back to work now!


The Life List 2011

My Life List ver.2011

1. be a consistent blogger
2. lose weight!
3. learn to make shoes
4. learn to play drum again
5. finish a Psychology Degree
4. finish a Psychology Master Degree
5. write a book
6. make dessert/cake/bread at least once per week
7. go to hike often
8. go exercise often
9. play basketball frequently
10. go to travel at least twice a year
11. go to Tibet
12. go to Mongolia
13. travel for more than a month
14. go to another part of Xin Jiang
15. go to Bali
16. go to travel and volunteering for a period
17. learn how to sew
18. get my own flat
19. get my own car
20. speak and write in French fluently
21. speak and write in Japanese fluently
22. speak and write in Spanish fluently
23. speak German fluently
24. go back to live in Canada
25. go to somewhere else to live in stead of hk
26. learn yoga
27. learn how to make soap
28. be a part-time barista
29. open my own cafe or restaurant
30. be healthy!
31. write travelogue of my xin jiang trip
32. write travelogue of my okinawa trip
33. write travelogue of my egypt trip
34. write travelogue of my cambodia trip
35. edit and develop photos of xin jian trip
36. edit and develop photos of okinawa trip
37. edit and develop photos of egypt trip
38. edit and develop photos of cambodia trip
39. learn more knowledge and technique of photography
40. be proud of my pictures
41. sleep earlier at around 11pm
42. wake up earlier
43. drink less coke
44. a fruit a day
45. have a body check-up with doctor
46. get a good job that I really love and enjoy
47. have a small farm land and plant fruits/veggie I like

and the list keeps going....


My Veggie Corner

2nd pot of mixed mini radishes

The only successful radish ..red one again~

The leaves were supposed to be edible...but they're very stingy...i don't want to hurt my throat!  What a waste >.<

Now take a look at the 1st pot of mini radish:

A little bit bigger ..but i pulled it out too late..it tasted bitter!  T.T

Now I'm still waiting for my tomato.......
